
Disc Golf is awesome. And it’s OK to enjoy it.

A lot of people in Texoma are completely clueless to the fact that we have one of the best disc golf courses in the entire region. I actually talked to a group of people complaining about having nothing to do last Saturday in the parking lot SURROUNDED by a disc golf course. I understand that people are complainers by nature, but you’ve got to help yourself out a little. We actually enjoyed disc golf so much, that we built our own course when we lived too far away to make Munson a quick getaway. We engineered some barrels and chains into a countryfied course and have enjoyed it ever since!

Anyhow, Munson Park in Denison is a great destination. After making the trek to try several other disc golf courses between here and Ft. Worth, we were reminded just how lucky we are to have Munson Park. It’s well kept and groomed, laid out well, and presents plenty of challenge without discouraging beginners. As for a disc, you can play with that ratty old frisbee your dog is chewing on, or cruise in to Academy and pick up a true disc golf disc. If you just want to give it a run without investing much, I like the Innova Cobra and Shark discs for all around use.

Most of our rounds last around an hour and a half. More people= more time, so get some buddies and make it a nice afternoon of trash talk and flying plastic. The sport is easy to play, especially at a course as well marked as Munson. Warm up at the practice goal, then step onto the concrete teebox for hole number 1. Let her fly, and enjoy your day! Score is kept same as regular golf: lowest score wins. Or you can leave all your shits to give at home and just have fun wandering around the park throwing a frisbee at the baskets and chasing squirrels.

Another note, there’s a good looking black dog out there, and it was his park long before you came out there. His name is Scout, and he is the official park ranger. He’ll chase your disc and hang out with you, and he’s great company. It’s also your obligation to call the Dallas folks douches for getting mad at Scout. It’s his park.

So, pack your granola, fill up a water bottle, or sneak a couple beers out there. Just pick up after yourself so I don’t see a bunch of trash out there and regret telling you how awesome the Munson Park Disc Golf Course is.

Send it.


Gracie, my preferred caddie and disc golf partner in crime.

Gracie, my preferred caddie and disc golf partner in crime.

2 thoughts on “Grip it & Rip it

  1. Hi, one of our local parks in my town recently put up a disc golf course. I usually go jogging or hiking around the park but I’ve been curious in learning how to play. How do you play? I would love to get a group of friends together to go out and give it a try sometime. Thanks for sharing as it sounds like a great idea!:)

    • It’s a blasty blast! It’s basically like real golf. If you want to get the whole run down on rules, see if there are any local tournaments you can go play! But the basics are: Start at the designated teebox, and throw your disc. When you get to where your disc landed, you stand there and throw again. As you get closer to the goal, the object is to hit the chains so that the disc actually falls into the basket. Keep count of how many throws it took to get the disc in the basket, and that is your score for the hole. Lowest score wins! Biggest hint when you get close: aim small, miss small!

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